Monday, April 5, 2010


It's raining and thundering and lightning right now.  Tonight is the first time that I remember Troy even mentioning the thunder and lightning.  Being the mom that I am, I explained the thunder and lightning to him and we stood in the front door for a while and watched the rain and lightning and listened to the thunder.  Problem was, that ever time it thundered I had a 2 year old who threw himself at me.  He doesn't "wike" it.

Yesterday was Easter.  I tried to get Troy to say Easter Bunny.  Just bunny comes out as bunny but add the easter infront and you get "eater bun bun".  We spent the afternoon with my grandma, mom and sister Carmen, niece Jalyn and nephew Jared.  It was fun.  Jared brought his bean bag chair that he got from the easter bunny.  Jared, Jalyn and Troy had quite the time with that.  Troy was so tired by the time we got in the car that he fell asleep before we got to Kwik Trip, which is like 3 or 4 blocks.  Rylee had fun too.  She also fell fast asleep in the car.  Once home, we (me and the kids) took a 3 hour (mine was only 2ish) nap.  It felt so good!   I set a ham out right away in the morning, it was still frozen at 5 so that was out for dinner.  I had to get groceries so so so bad (which I was suppose to do the day before but ended up stopping at my sister's house before heading to get groceries and didn't make it to the grocery story before dinner), so we decided to grab a sandwich and get groceries.  After grocery shopping, we stopped at my dad's to wish them a Happy Easter.  We ending up leaving with 2 HUGE bags full of gifts and a few baskets and bags of things.  These kids are sure spoiled.  Troy and Rylee each got a new outfit, swimsuit, little toy, chocolate bunny from Grandpa Harley and Deb.  Troy got a bubble machine and bubbles from Great and Bob while Rylee got a talking puppy and a box full of assorted Betty Janes chocolates and suckers (1 year old and already loves Betty Janes chocolate...definitely takes after her momma).  Troy also got an easter basket full of chocolate and a bag full of eggs that Grandpa and Deb were going to hide for him (since it was rainy today, we're going to hide them for him and make him find them outside some other day).  The amount of stuff we left with was amazing.  AND, they still have each of our christmas presents there (Troy's Harley motorcycle, Rylee's little jungle gym, and our quarter cow, which we could use).  Some day, we'll get them.  Troy had a good time visiting with them.  Deb took him outside to the swing set and they went down the slide numerous times in the pitch dark.  It was a long day! 

This was Troy's first Easter that he kind of got the concept.  He knew he wanted the Easter Bunny to come.  That silly Easter bunny hid a dozen eggs all around his room.  The last time he seen a plastic Easter egg was at Great Grandma Dodds the week before and all of those were empty.  Once he shook the egg that was hid in his bed and realized that something was in there, he was all for search for more.  It was awesome.  Last year, he wasn't overly excited about an egg hunt.  Next year should be even more fun. 

Last week, I had my second round of Progesterone.  It didn't go so well.  I have some kind of rash now as a result...or maybe not a result.  I have my third round tomorrow so if I break out "again", which I don't think I could since I am STILL broke out.    Dr. E doesn't think that it was caused by the shot and doesn't think that it is PUPPs like I had when Rylee was born because that is a rash that typically starts in late pregnancy (30 weeks isn't late I don't think but whatever).  No one is sure what is going on other than I am ready to crawl out of my skin or scratch it off.

The belly is getting bigger.  It's all out in front.  And it's the last time my belly will ever be like this!! AMEN!  Baby Klauer #3 is it!  We were talking about our kids going to school over the weekend and realized that when Troy is a senior in high school, Rylee will be a junior and Baby #3 a sophomore.  HOLY COW!  They will just binge out of here into least we have 16 years before that starts.

Other news, Rylee took a header off the couch tonight right onto a toy train.  Poor girl has a big purple gooseegg.  I left her on the couch, my bad, while I tended to Troy who had just fell and bonked his head on the plush part of the recliner.  No more time on the couch for that little girl.  She flipped herself off in record time.  I turned a she rolled herself over and it was like slow motion trying to catch her.  Poor thing.  (Troy's by the way is perfectly fine, only required 1 kiss). 

Right now, Rylee is snoring next to me, I rather she stick close by for a little bit since she knocked her noggen pretty good and Troy will not lay down for anything.  This is the most annoying part of my day, trying to get him to go to sleep.  Rylee is like Kris, she can fall asleep like there is no care in the world, anyway and easily.  Troy is like me, who frets over every little thing, takes a while to drift off to sleep.  I require a lot of sleep while Kris doesn't.  I am feeling extremely sleepy after this extremely long day.  Good night all. 

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