Thursday, April 8, 2010

A good day at UW hospital/AFCH

Well, I was thinking last night after I wrote my post.  I decided that the kids and I are going to Isabelle's birthday party tomorrow.  I realized that I didn't go to her birthday party last year because we were in Iowa City and was suppose to bring Rylee home that day.  Well, it turned out that we brought her home, the following day but I still missed the party.  I have never ever missed any of my nephew, Jared, and nieces, Jalyn, Lexie and Avery's birthday parties.  Therefore, there is no way I am going to be selfish enough to missed that party tomorrow.  Now for health purposes, we can't stay long (more on that later). 

Next up, is Rylee's day today.  She started off today with physical therapy.  Now we haven't seen Ms. Marcy for probably 3 weeks.  She picked her up and said, "Oh my, I think she's grown a lot.  Has she gained weight?"  I could laugh at that comment now after seeing her weight today (more on the later).  She worked a little on getting her to sit.  Rylee sat like a pro.  Turns out she is a pro!  Marcy has officially declared her as a self-sitter.  I have tears right now just thinking of that.  That's huge!  That was a goal and it's been met.  Next goal, get her to get herself into the sitting position and to crawl.  We are frickin' working on crawling.  However, Rylee has proven today that she has a stubborn streak in her, I wonder who she gets that from!  She absolutely did not want to bend her knees beneath herself.  And she fought Marcy the whole time, completely wearing herself out in the process. 

After therapy, Rylee and I got in the Jeep and headed to Madison.  When we left it was sunny.  When we got to Verona it was snowing.  I was in awe by that.  It was crazy.  We left at 8:48 and the GPS told me we would arrive at 10:48 am.  That freaked me out a little because we had to be checked into Radiology at 11 and I had no idea where Radiology was in the great big hospital.  I parked the car at 10:01, haha.  Rylee needed to eat anyway so the extra time would be used.  I put Rylee in the stroller, gave her a bottle and proceeded into the hospital.  We went down to the cafeteria to get Mommy something to drink and waste a little time.  I sat down and Rylee puked all over her outfit and the only blanket that I had with us.  Thankfully, I packed another out but I am so tired of the puking.  Kris and I were talking and decided that Rylee pukes on average at least once a day.  Today, she has thrown up 5 times. 

We checked into Radiology at 10:45 am and were taken back right away.  They did not sedate her because it was just a brain scan that took 3 minutes.  I did not get to go back with her for the MRI because of Baby #3.  She did perfect.  Mario, the tech, said she was the most well behaved 14 month old he's done.  She didn't cry at all. 

I decided to go right to the AFCH to get checked in even though we were an hour early because we didn't have anything else to do.  We played and waited and talked.  At 12:10 (10 minutes before our appointment) we were taken back.  The nurse weighed her and took her head circumference.  She weighed...14 lb, 15 oz. (which she weighed on February 22nd).  This surprises me but it also doesn't.  This girl has been puking for 2 months so it doesn't surprise that she hasn't gained much.  What surprises me is that she hasn't gained anything.  Dr. A came in to visit us.  He flipped the computer screen around so that I could see the MRI brain scan from earlier.  I had no idea what I was looking at really except that I could see her eyeballs (freaky).  He pulled up her CT scan from last Sept.  Her 3rd quadrant measured 14 cm in diameter.  Today it was 11 cm.  He was please with this but told me that it would go down even more.  He wants us to do a repeat of today in 6 months and that is the scan we can use as a base and what we compare later brain scans to.  He also informed me that he will no longer be Rylee's neurosurgeon because he's Kenya to teach neurosurgery there.  That's freakin' cool.  Now we will have Dr. Bragg.  She is young and he's trusts her wholeheartedly to fill his shoes for the next 2 to 4 years (at which time he will probably be at retirement age because he is getting up there in age, I'm sure). 

I made something new tonight for dinner.  It was Beef Parmesan and I made noodles and garlic bread to go with it.  I like Ragu sauce.  Nothing even compares to Ragu.  Therefore, any other form of marinara or spaghetti sauce just doesn't appeal to me.  I ate it though.  It was alright.  Easy to make.  I may make it again.  I am sure Kris would like it.  Tonight, Troy has been obsessed with Rylee.  He's been loving her, hitting her with a pillow (which may sound cruel but she loves it when he does it) and trying repeated to jump over her.  Now besides the jumping thing he was good with her.  Then he got this wild burst of energy and started throwing his entire wooden train track pieces all over the place.  I, of course, got mad and told him to pick them up NOW!  To my great surprise, he did.  He came over to me, tapped me on the arm repeated and pointed to box that holds his train set.  Job well done Troy! 

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