Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The last 3 days have sucked!

Just for the record, I want to say that the "system" of public assistance fails people like Kris and I.  After our visit with the GI doctor and dietian, we are left scrambling.  We are switching Rylee's medicine from Zantac to a more powerful type of drug, I don't remember that name but it suppose to cut down the amount of acid in her stomach.  We are also switching her to a new formula called Vital Jr. She will have to take it orally for the next 4 weeks to be sure that that along with the new medicine will cut down the vomiting and cause her to gain weight.  The problem lies in that the Vital Jr is not covered by the insurance company even though it is "medically necessary" and costs $165 per case.  A case has 24-8 oz bottles.  Rylee needs to have a bare minimum of 24 oz a day.  That's 3 bottles which leaves a case lasting 8 days.  $165 per week to feed just Rylee.  I don't a single family of 4 going on 5 that could even think about affording that.  It's rediculous.  I have no idea how in god's name we are going to afford this.  The only way the insurance company will cover it is if it administered through a feeding tube.  And the only way we can order this stuff is through a pharmacy or directly from Abbott Nutrition.  Our local pharmacy has no way of accessing it because of a supplier problem.  I am out of options.  To get it from Abbott it will take 7-10 business days to get it.  I checked to see what the cost would be to have it overnighted and that tacks on an additional $80.  The clinic gave us 6 cans to start us off but I realized today that they are expired.  Nice!  And it's going to take 7-10 business days to get a case of it.  I need that stuff NOW!  And there is no where that I can get it.  What good does that do for us?  We don't have secondary insurance therefore that not an option.  Kris and I make "too much money" for Medicaid for Rylee.  We make "too much money" for the WIC program.  All we want is some kind of assistance to help with the cost of this god awful expensive formula so that we can feed our child.  I was on the phone all day and got no where.  Apparently if you have a gross annual income of more than $24000 for a family of 4, your screwed.  How does a family of 4 with a mortgage, 2 car payments and outrageous student loans live off of $24000 gross income.  That's frickin' nuts to me.  I am a tax paying citizen that has a college degree, a career and work hard for that and there are people with 5 kids sitting on their bums at home all day living off welfare.  I know that not everyone on "welfare" and SSI disability benefits are bums but I see those people every 1st and 3rd of the month at the bank.  And it pisses me off that they can sit home all day, smoke cigarettes, keep popping out more kids that grow up to turn out just like them and receive more money from the state than Kris and I together make in a month....what is wrong with this system?  It's those same people who don't pay taxes that are coming into the bank to cash the $9,000 tax refund check...what the hell?  And all I want it a little help of some kind to pay for this formula.  It'll cost us $10,000 a year to feed 1 child.  It shouldn't cost $10,000 a year to feed a family of 10.  F'in Christ...I just want a freakin' break.  It's always something.  I don't want Rylee to have a feeding tube.  I would much rather avoid going down that road, I am open to doing it if it will help her but I would rather not have to put her through that.  I don't want her to have surgery to have it inserted.  But right now, we are banking on that in 4 weeks, they put one in so that we can get her the nutrients she needs, the calories she needs to thrive and have it paid for by the insurance company.  That's awful to have to feel that way.  I have been struggling with that all day.  There has to be something out there, I just don't know where to even start looking. 

1 comment:

  1. I know, it's totally not fair. That's the thing that frustrates me so much too. I looked into WIC for us last fall when we were barely making it. We qualified but then I thought about it and decided that we didn't really NEED it like some people do. I decided not to go for it and just survive with sometimes $10 in our account for a week so the WIC money would be there for other people.

    It's not fair that slobs that sit at home and drink alcohol all day, smoke pot and cigarettes get the money and don't even have a job just because they 'showed' they tried to find a job, so are still on unemployment.

    It's not fair that insurance companies won't cover something that will keep a patient from needing a more expensive procedure and keep them healthier in the long run. I keep running into the same problem.

    I'm sorry, Darling. I hope you can get something figured out. I have no advice for you at all on other resources. I'll be praying!
