Friday, August 6, 2010

Weston Day 3 and 4 update

Weston is coming right along.  Yesterday morning labs were draw to check his billi levels.  They were 9.5 but yesterday morning's labs showed a jump to 15.6 so he got to bake under some lights all day yesterday.  Today's lab showed a 14.2! So he's down and should keep going that way for the next couple of days.  Tuesday night his weight was down 1.5 ounces to 6 lb, 1.5 oz, Wednesday night it was down another 7 oz to 5 lb 10.5 oz and last night he was down 3 more oz to 5  lb 7.5 oz.  Dr H didn't seemed to concerned about it today.  Weston's iv expired and was pulled this morning so Dr. H decided for right now to leave it out and increase the volume of his feeds.  I fed him his 7 am feeding of 20cc that he took like a champ!  So far he hasn't had any residuals.  His urine output is wonderful and his stools are transitioning right now. Kris and I took the kids over to my dad's last night so we could spend time with him together.  We tag teamed on a feeding.  When we were driving to my dad's house, Rylee threw up all over herself in the car.  She had been pretty fussy all day and has some terrible diaper rash on her bottom.  I am not really sure what is going on.  Kris and I decided to see how it goes today.  At my dad's last night, she played, smiled and scooted all around.  Deb went out and got her some clothes and baby bath and bathed her in the sink, which she loved.  Troy has learned how to say "grandma", probably since he's been with his Grandma Klauer so much in the past couple weeks.  So he now calls Deb and Deb's mom, Doris, Grandma.  In less than a month, she will be marrying Grandpa so that makes her Grandma too.  In the couple of hours that we were gone, they sure had a blast. 

Today, when Dr. H did his rounds, he mentioned a few things that need to be done a couple of days before we can bring him home.  Then said we would do those things in a couple of days.  Ideally, we bring Weston home on Monday or Tuesday of next week!  I think I can handle that.  After seeing him, holding him, smelling him, loving him, I can't wait to have him home.  He just looks so good and is doing so well, I just want him all to myself.  I want to be able to hold him when I want, how I want and not worry about the cords.  I want to have a baby to feed at night instead of waking every couple hours to pump for that baby.  His diapers and clothes are all ready for him, we just need him. I know he will come home eventually I just really want it to be now.

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