Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The "Plan"

Friday, I seen Dr. B for a regular OB checkup.  Kristopher went with me.  We spoke of many many things.  He kept asking, "anything else?"  I had lots of questions.  But before I seen Dr. B the nurse checked for a heartbeat.  Whoosh...whoosh...whoosh...came across the doppler at 152 bpm.  It was reassuring to hear.  Dr. B was pleased with the strong heartbeat.  He said that once a heartbeat is heard from the outside there is a 97% chance that a "high maintenance creature" will be added our brood. 

The major things we talked about were:

Q:  IF I go into preterm labor, where do I go?  Do I have to go to Iowa City?  Or can I go to Meriter in Madison? 
A:  Our insurance company is a Wisconsin based private insurance company therefore, I can go where ever I want!

Q: Progesterone shots that were mentioned?
A: These shots (I already spoke to my insurance company who said they need to be pre-certified) will start at 16 weeks with the last one on week 36 and administered every week.  (Remember the 3 month trouble we had trying to get Rylee's Synagis?  It obviously can't take that long again!)

He did all his other neccessities that had to be done.  Then we were sent on our way.

For a few years, we have went on a family vacation.  We being my brothers and sisters.  However, last year we didn't go.  We wouldn't have been able to go last year anyway but I missed it.  It was 1 weekend of the summer to get away and camp.  We're not ruff campers now that there are lots of kids in the mix.  This year, I can't go.  Dr. B told me to stay close to home this summer.  After June 16, I am not aloud to travel outside a 50 mile radius of Dubuque.  That pretty much means that we have to stay home.  No visiting Grandma and Grandpa Klauer or trips to Madison or watching our beloved Brewers.  I guess Kris and the kids could go do those things but not Mommy.  My house should be plenty clean and organized and ready for a new baby.  AND, starting May 1st we can have visitors at our house again after 6 months without (as long as they are healthy). 

I've had 2 dreams about this baby.  Despite my strong feeling that it's a girl, it's been a boy in both dreams.  Hmmm....I am definitely confused.  I think Kris and I have chosen names.    I chose a girl name and he chose a boy name and we agree that we like each of them.  BUT, we're not going to tell anyone so you have to just have to be patient. I will give you a hint.  They will start with either a W or L.  That is all you get!

My friend Carolyn is due to have a baby right before me.  My friend Dana just told everyone that she is due to have a baby about a month after me.  We are rooting and praying that our friend Andrea and her husband get to share some news of their own soon (they've been trying for a while, pray for them!)  I looked up the Chinese gender calendar to see what we would each be having, it came up with 2 girls and a boy.  We'll see!  I don't know if they are going to find out what they are having or not, I know that we are NOT!  We didn't find out with Troy but we did know Rylee.  I can honestly say, it was a much bigger surprise/overwelming joy when we didn't find out.  If someone asked me which was "better" I would tell them to wait.  It's worth it in the end!


  1. Good to hear things are going pretty well! I wasn't allowed to travel either, but we make due and yes, the house gets pretty clean! ;) heehee. I bet you're really excited to meet this little one!!!

  2. I'm excited for you Mary and Praying!!! Everything will be great and I can't wait to read more!!!
