Thursday, March 4, 2010

Just yakin'

Currently it is 8:47 pm and Troy is still awake, poking at my ever so large tummy then tapping that finger to his lips and saying, "hmmm".  Funny kid, except HE'S STILL AWAKE!  I am so tired of this.  The house is dark except for the dim glow of my laptop and the only sounds are my typing and Rylee's snoring.  He's been up and down and all around since we came to bed.  Now I have complained about this before.  It's nothing new.  We've been dealing with this for the last 6 months or more!  We have been getting rid of the pacifier.  He doesn't even miss it during the day.  It's at bedtime that he seems to "need" it.  I just popped it in his mouth and now he's peacefully laying down, arm wrapped through my arm and eyes closed...oh now they're open.  Anyway, soon (as in like an hour) he may be asleep.  We've decided that we are not buying anymore pacifiers.  Rylee took to one for a couple of days and that was it.  She hates them.  Troy took to one right away.  We've been attached to it ever since.  Now we are down to 2 maybe 3 pink pacifiers and when they are gone, they are gone.  No more buying the darn things.  Especially when he has gone days without one.  I know he can do it.  He doesn't hardly ask for one anymore. 

In other news, Troy got ahold of  pen from who only knows where, and decorated his legs.  And by decorated, I mean toes to hips.  Kris tried to clean him up before they had to leave to go to daycare but as of right now he is still faintly tattooed.  I know, exciting life we live right?!

Rylee had physical therapy this morning.  I am never home during therapy.  Lately, physical therapy has been landing on Thursday mornings at 7:30 am.  Normally this would work perfect for me since Thursday is my late day meaning I don't have to be to work until 9 (this makes up for the extra hour we work on Friday nights).  However, lately I have been trying like a maniac to make up hours for the time that I missed either to go to a doctor appt or stay home with Troy and Rylee when they were sick.  Today, I made up my last hour by going in to work at 8.  But that meant that I missed another therapy session.  When I called Kristopher this afternoon, he said that she did the same ol' same ol'.  Now, since I am never in therapy, I don't even know what same ol' is.  He didn't explain it to well.  Therefore, I can't really give you an update as to what happened during therapy today just that it was the same ol' same ol'.

Jackpot!!  Troy is asleep.  I am going to grab my rest as much as I can.  (Side note:  Rylee woke up at 4:30 this morning.  I wish I could be as happy as she is when I wake up for the day.)  Good night all!

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