Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just a picture

My friend, Dana, took this picture over the weekend.

It's she the cutest little girl you've ever seen. That smile melts my heart!
Just a quick update on how she is doing...
Yesterday we had a checkup with Dr. C. She now has goopy eyes which is...PINK EYE! This stuff never stops I swear! So now she will get a nebulizer treatment every 4 hours and 2 drops each eye 3 times a day for 5 days. Dr. C still isn't sure if she qualifies for the H1N1 vaccine in October. He said that out of all his patients, it will be Rylee that he loses the most sleep over in the upcoming flu season. He is very leery with the flu season coming up because she reacted so severely to a common cold. It'll be a long winter cooped up in our home. And if you invited us to Christmas, we may not come. He warned us that we will suffer from cabin fever over the winter and that depending on the current health situation of us and our loved ones, we may not be participating in holiday events. But that will be determined when that time comes.
We have to take Rylee for her 6 month checkup, even though she will be 7 months old, in September. During that appointment, Rylee will receive either an ultrasound or x-ray on her hips. He is afraid that she has a hip dysplasia. He's not sure what the radiologist will want to do whether is be an ultrasound or x-ray. This hip thing is due to Rylee being breach when my water broke and being that way for 13 of the 14 days. Her hip do look funny and her legs plop out like a frog. Hopefully, she only needs to wear a brace for awhile. We're shooting for NO SURGERY! We've avoided it thus far, we want to continue that streak.
Have a good day all!

1 comment:

  1. That smile is SO precious. I love baby smiles. A LOT. I love when my Rylee flashes me a big ol grin, it melts me every time. She's a doll, mama.

    Gosh I hate pink eye. That was one of my more common ailments growing up. SO contagious and just wouldn't stay away. Hopefully she'll get rid of it quickly - for both your sake.
