Monday, August 31, 2009
Long, Long, Long Day
Like I posted the other night, our life is simply amazing. It never seizes to amaze me when weird things pop up.
2 weeks ago today, Rylee was ill.
13 days ago, she was put on oxygen.
12 days ago, Dr. C was 90% sure that she had RSV.
11 days ago, that RSV test result came back as negative.
10 days ago, Candy Temperly told us to finish the antibiotics & steroids, continue the nebulizer treatments and visit Dr. C on Tuesday.
9 days ago, we seen our same old Rylee coming back.
6 days ago, Rylee woke up goopy eyes on the morning of her appointment with Dr. C who prescribed her antibiotic drops for Pink eye.
3 days ago, Rylee vomited while out to dinner as a family.
2 days ago, she vomited again.
Yesterday, as she vomited, coughed, struggled to breathe, we watched our daughter deterate away before our eyes.
Today, Rylee is still comiting, coughing, struggling for air but TODAY her kidneys are quitting, she dehydrated and running a temperature of 104.4. Today, I can still see my baby girl, hold her, touch her, therefore our life is still amazing.
In June, and a few times before, I questioned my relationship with God. I questioned His reasonings behind the recent events. However, today, while I still don't completely understand, I rest my children's lives in His hands, His care and trust His outcome. As my very knowledgable, intelligent father-in-law once said, "This is just a bump in the road." A couple of months ago, I would've argued that but now I believe that it is a huge, life changing, life altering bump in an 8 month long road.
I am so sad to see Rylee go through this. Dr. C called me this afternoon. He is sad about this. "It's going to be a long season and technically we're still 2 months before it begins." There were a lot of sighs and "wow"s in my conversation with Dr. C this afternoon. He assured me that she is in the best care with Dr. O.
Right now, my husband, who is 23 for the very last day, and my son are swimming in the hotel pool. Rylee has an oxygen saturation of 97%, a pulse of 121 and is resting. It's 8 pm, and I am going to head to the otel to give my son a bath and put him to bed in the King sized bed. I am also going to get a little chow in my belly. As soon as I have any new info to pass along and have a chance to post, I will. Good night all, keep Rylee in your bedtime prayers.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I was thinkin'...
Over the night, Rylee has slept well (7:15 am and she's still sleeping). She woke around 12:30 to eat and ended up throwing up her entire "meal". However, we propped her in her Boppy pillow between Kris and I and she's been sleeping soundly since. Troy woke at 6 this morning and wanted to come in with us too. So Daddy and RyRy got the head of the bed while Troy and I got the foot. It works out wonderfully this way. A little strange to the outside eye but you've gotta do what you gotta do.
Speak of the angel, she has woke and she's HUNGRY.
Today, we have omega plans. Casual on the time and not in a hurry by any means. We're heading to Madison to the zoo, eating out at our favorite restaurant, Texas Roadhouse, dropping a load of money at Babies R Us, the mall and Woodman's. Have a great very cool Sunday!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Just a picture
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Last week of summer
First order of business is a Rylee update. On Tuesday, we took Rylee in to see Candy Temperly and ended up with a half liter of oxygen to run continuously. It helped Rylee out tremendously. She didn't like it at first but got used to it and actually slept better.
Friday, we went in to see Candy again because Dr. C was out of the office (he pulled her in the room on Wednesday to listen and look). She still isn't really happy with the way Rylee looked. We have to see Dr. C again on Tuesday for yet another check up. This visit brought our total to 4 visits in 5 days. UGH!
Gotta love those eyelashes!
Daddy loves to sleep with his babies
Being like daddy
Like I said, we are filling up on the weekends. This upcoming weekend, we have major grocery shopping plans. I've been working on my meal plan for 5 weeks. We're hoping to do all the grocery shopping for the 5 weeks. The plan right now is: I have to work until noon on Saturday and then we're going to go to 5 pm church instead of Sunday morning. Sunday, we're going to Madison to take Troy and Rylee to the Henry Villa zoo. Then we're going to hit Woodman's and Babies R Us since we'll be up there. We may have to stop closer to home to finish the rest of our 5 week grocery shopping.
The following weekend is Labor day weekend! I am going shopping with my sisters! I am so super excited I can hardly stand it. It's a mommy only no kids included trip! While I am gone, Kris and the kids are going up to Madison to help his brother's family by doing some drywalling in their basement. His brother is gone until the end of September for some Military school training something or other so this was a way to help them out before their Baby Adam arrives in mid-October.
The 2nd weekend in September is a doozy too. I was invited to a Dove chocolate tasting party by my sister-in-law Katrina. If you know me, you know that Dove chocolate is another food group in my diet! I absolutely positively love love love Dove milk chocolate. We're going to go up to their house on Saturday afternoon and then hit up the Melting Pot for a little fondue for supper that night. Then on Sunday, Rylee is being baptized and we're having our gigantic party!
The 3rd weekend in September is Kris's mom's side of the family family reunion.
The fourth weekend is still open!
Hopefully you all had a wonderful weekend and have many more wonderful ones to come!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Quick update!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Rylee update!
As I was leaving this morning, I hit the lock button to the Jeep. At 1:22 this afternoon, Kris called me to inform me that the locked Jeep contains his keys to the Jeep. I had to bustle it home to unlock the Jeep. I had to run into the house once I got home as Kris and the kids were outside waiting for me. While Kris and I were unlocking the house, T tried to open my car door and got his fingers pinched in the door handle. We went running to him as he let out a bellar. He has a habit that extends from my side of the family...ahem, Scott...of holding his breath when he is upset or hurt. His lips turned blue. It is absolutely the scariest thing EVER! I kissed his owies and fixed him up like new. We ended up only being 5 minutes late to our 2 pm appointment.
Speaking of holding breath. We got a pulseox on Rylee which is always a fight in itself and most of time the nurse ends in defeat. Her pulse was 122 and her oxygen sat. was steady at 88%. Candy, who is literally going to have a baby any moment, listened to Rylee. She said "She sounds like a musical instrument all by herself." She is weezy and full of junk. Candy decided the best option was to speak to Dr. C. It is very interesting to me that I couldn't get an appt with him but he came into the exam room to see for himself. He examed and listened to her. He then proceeded to sit in one of the open chairs, literally put his arms behind his head and crossed his leg and told Candy what the plan of action was. AWESOME!!!! Have I ever told you that I absolutely, undoubtedly love love love Dr. C. He's such an amazing doctor.
The plan is to start with the nebulizer (he wrote a prescription to purchase instead of rent because we will undoubtedly need it again) treatments and start Rylee on 7 days of antibiotics and 5 days of steriods. We have to be seen again tomorrow at 3 pm for them to listen to her again. The goal is to keep her out of the hospital and off the oxygen. Candy wanted to put her on oxygen and maybe do a chest x-ray. We have to see what tomorrow holds. If she sounds better and her oxygen sat. is up than we will continue with the medicine as planned. If she is unchanged than a chest x-ray (which was not done today because Ry Ry has had a lot of x-rays in her short life and Dr. C didn't want to do it if she didn't need it) will be ordered and Iowa City called. The worst case scenario is we end up at UIHC PICU (University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) with IVs, oxygen and apnea monitor.
I gave Rylee her medicine this afternoon when we got home but reflex got the best of her and she threw them up within 5 minutes. Therefore, I really don't think that those will have done anything for her.
My outlook is that I can live with the oxygen and apnea monitor, I can not live without my baby. My fear, as well as Dr. C and Candy, is that any longer than 24 hours and Rylee's little body will just poop out and she'll be too tired to breathe on her own. As I write this Rylee is sleeping in pack n play at the foot of my bed. I am listening to her labored breathing and wheezing. We did a nebulizer treatment about an hour ago and she still sounds terrible (she didn't fight me because she was sleeping so I know that she "got" more than this afternoon at the doctor's office). This is scary (pardon my french) shit now. I've seen her little body "poop" out before (which was after 2 days of no oxygen back when she was in the hospital) and I defintely don't want to see my poor baby go through that again.
Please keep Rylee in your thoughts as you go through the day tomorrow. Thank you. I love you all.
Right now she is at home with DadD and T. DadD has her propped up and she seems to be doing well. We had a 10 am appt this morning but I couldn't get off work to take her so it has been changed to 2 pm. We're overjoyed that the oxygen and apnea monitor are gone except for something like this. Please pray that Rylee can continue to breathe on her own. Please also pray that the stupid doctor that we have to see (I absolutely can NOT stand her and she was the only one with an opening today) will talk to Dr. Connolly before making any rash decisions (which she has a past of doing with T). Sorry, I can't stand Candy Temperly. I think she has terrible bedside manner and is too quick to make a decision a lot of the time. Another, huge mark against her is that she has never seen Rylee, has no idea who Rylee is or her history. Dr. Connolly has told us he is comfortable with Dr. White or Dr. Barraclough because he keeps them updated on her and they have both seen her before. I think that Temperly is just a PA. Between work and being stuck with Temperly, I am very worked up. I feel like I could hit something or just start bawling. GRRR!!!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Therapist appt update
The names of the 4 girls are:
Occupational Therapist = Barb
Physical Therapist = Marcy
Speech Therapist = Krisann
Program Coordinator = Tammy
OT works with the cognitive skills. PT works with the large motor skills. Speech works with sucking and speech. Barb and Marcy work closely primarily because you need large motor skills to develop many cognitive skills. It's kind of like Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. You need for the other to make sense and you never have a clear understanding of each until you understand the other.
They have set goals for Ry Ry that are six months out. So in the middle of February they would like Ry Ry to reach the following goals:
OT = follow an object 180° and track an object/person through a room
PT = Roll from belly to back and back to belly, lay on belly with arms extended while holding her head up, and sit without support.
Speech = respond to her name and babble (ma ma, da da, ba ba).
They all just kind of watched Ry Ry. Krisann feed her some of her bottle which put the girl to sleep. We set a plan that will hopefully work for Ry Ry. Barb and Krisann will come to our house once a month each. While Marcy will come twice a month. They may come together but it will probably be seperate. We could have 3 visits in one week or even one day. It really depends on how their schedules jive with ours.
Barb and Marcy both scored Ry Ry at the 1 month age while Krisann scored Ry Ry at a 3 month age. Ry Ry's actual age is 6 and half months while her adjusted age is just 4 months.
Tammy asked us what our goal for Ry Ry is through this program. We responded that we want Ry Ry to catch up to her actual age. We are very well aware, as we've been told a couple times by different doctors, that Ry Ry will most likely take 5 to 6 years to catch up. We want Ry Ry to be turn 5 in 4 year old kindergarten not be 5 when the year starts. We just want her to be with people her same age throughout school. We were told very early on that this is probably unlikely but that's the goal. So though they are optomist, I am a little disheartened by this news and the ages that scored her at. I am going to try to take it with a gain of salt but I am finding it hard to do. It's hard for me to imagine that when Ry Ry is 1 we may just be starting rice cereal and that she quite possibly just be sitting up without any support. This is entirely different from T. We just want her to be physical and mentally where her peers are. That's it.
By the way, I talked to my sister this afternoon. The benefit went well. They went through astronomical pounds of meat. She said that it was the largest brat sale that Weber's has ever had. That's awesome.
Have a great Friday night. I think I am going to visit my Grandma (while I am childless at the moment so that I can actually visit with her) and then snuggle with my husband and maybe watch a movie and eat pizza or something. Nighty Night
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
This is just amazing!
P.S. Pictures of my family will come I promise!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
New stuff!! New stuff!!
Ry Ry normally is ready to go down for the night between 7 and 8, closer to 7. But T is another story. This boy is a night owl, defintely not a morning person. I have a really hard time getting this kid to go to bed. He used to be in bed about 8-8:30. Now it's like 10:30-11:00 every night. I am at my wits end! So last night at 9:30ish, I called DadD and put him on speakerphone. T was mighty surprised to have his dad on the phone telling him that it was time to go to bed, to give mommy a kiss and sending kisses via speaker. He made this face that looked just like Kris when he was little, from what I remember in the pictures I've seen. T had those big puppy brown eyes. He gave me a kiss, his dad a lot of kisses on the phone and blew him even more, then waved bye bye to him. We tucked him together via speaker. I thought for sure this would work but it didn't. It took another good hour before I got him to settle down enough to actually go to sleep. At about 10, he started crying "Ylee...Ylee...Ylee". I took him in to their room to show him that RyRy was peacefully sleeping. However, she was scooting around in her crib which made T start roaring in laughter which woke her up which made her start to cry which ended up with me taking T and Ry Ry back to bed with me. (CONFESSION: I am a co-sleeper with my kids. I absolutely love it and actually sleep better when I have both of them close to me. When T sleeps with us he sleeps through the night.) I got everyone settled down and started watching Jon and Kate Plus 8 (which has turned into a pathetic show) that I had DVR'd. By the end of the show, T and Ry Ry were both sawin' logs next to me all snuggled up with each other. It was rather cute. T moved before I could get the camera and take a decent photo.
So our new 'thing' will be having DadD calling every night at his lunch break (8:30-9:00) and we'll tuck T in together via speaker phone. It may start to work better if we keep consistantly doing it. Who knows, right? It also gives me a chance to talk to my husband because I really only get to talk to him on the weekends.
Kristopher is also doing something new! He will be taking some online courses this semester. We took one hell of a financial hit this year so paying for 2 kids in daycare full time is out of the question right now. He will have only one class that he actually goes to campus for but other than that it's all at home. He doesn't want to stop with school, which I don't blame him, but we need him home to watch our kids. That will be something new. Thankfully these online courses are right up my alley and ones that I've already taken so I can help him with them. He's finalizing everything on that.
As for things upcoming for our family...
On Thursday, August 13th we have Tammy our Birth to 3 program coordinator coming back to our house along with the speech therapist, occupational therapist and physical therapist. I am extremely excited about this and can't wait to hear what they are going to be doing with Rylee in the near future.
On Tuesday August 25 and Thursday August 27, Kris and I are finally going to have our eyes checked. I am so so so excited to finally have contacts back. I loved my contacts and hate my glasses. Oh it will feel so good to have those.
September 1st is DadD's 24th birthday! He already received his present. He picked it out actually. He got a new TV. Now we just have to upgrade our dish package to HD so it looks better. It's a very nice TV. He's happy! He even hooked our computer tower up to it so now we can flip between the tv to the computer. He played Urban Terror on there which was awesome because he could sit in the recliner and play. SWEET!
On September 13, Rylee is going to be baptized. This is now set in stone since we now have confirmed Godparents. Thankfully I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers that Kris and I are close to so it made choosing Godparents to our 2 very very very easy. So Aunt Erin and Uncle Craig are Rylee's Godparents. We love them and they love her (and us too) so it works out well. I guess that's another reason we're not having anymore children, we ran out of Godparents. Ok, that's not really the reason but it could be.
After the baptism, we're having a huge, enormous party and invited all of loved ones to attend. It's going to be AWESOME! There is no plan B if it rains so it just can't rain. Our luck it will and we'll have to cancel.
The 3rd weekend in September is Kris's mom's side-of-the-family family reunion. We haven't seen many of them in a very long time so I am sure we'll have a nice visit.
This got to be rather long and I didn't even add a picture. I will have to post a picture soon. Take care and have a wonderful night.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I love Sundays!
As you read from my last post, my sister's house has burnt down. Since my last post, I have gotten to hang out with my sister and her husband more. I got the new scoop as of yesterday. A whole lotta Joe's family came Friday and Saturday to start demo on the house. Let me just tell you that these guys are freakin' animals! By 2 pm yesterday, everything was done that could possibly be done! (They're waiting on a cleaning company to come test spots on the walls to see if they're cleanable.) The kitchen, bathroom, most of the master bedroom and outside walls of the basement are down to the studs. It's amazing how fast and efficient these guys worked.
I got to spend some one on one time with my sister. It was nice to actually talk to her. Ironically, it was the fireman's dance last night. Carmen and Joe decided it was essential that they be there considering they just put out the fire a few days ago. So we went shopping. We had to get everything down to the basics. I think we got everything, I hope. You don't realize everything that you use on a daily basis like a blowdryer or belt until you don't have one. She told me that she just wants to go home and sleep in her own bed. Though her bed is at the junk yard, I know exactly how strong that feeling really is. Thankfully for them, they've had an outpour of family and friends and a great community that have come together and expressed their love towards them as a family.

I stole this picture from my sister but this a side look through their house. This would be where the garage once stood.
We have a Baptism planned. Ry Ry will be baptized the second Sunday in September. We will be having a HUGE party afterwards to celebrate her and give thanks to everyone for all their help over the last 7 months. Everyone who's anyone will be there so mark your calendars.
Today, Kris and I took the kids to church. Then we decided to get some lunch at Olive Garden. Like usual, we filled up on salad and breadsticks and ended up boxing the majority of our meals to take home. Then we headed to the mall to look around. While we were there, the tornado whistles started bellarin' and Younker's and Sears closed the gate to their stores. This was lovely since we were parked at the entrances of those stores. So being locked in the mall, we walked around Borders and got Troy a few books. We also went to Payless and got some shoes, 2 pairs for Troy and 1 for Rylee (size 1 so maybe next summer they'll fit!). Do you see the pattern here? After the down pour quit, we headed to the car. Our next stop was WalMart! On the way there, I ripped out coupons from today's paper which ended up saving us $11. While we were in WalMart it started pouring again. We finally made it home! Our groceries are all put away. Our children, well really just Troy, are being obnoxious.
I am going to go try to save my blinds on my window before Troy distroys them any further. Remember if your in the mood for a brat, stops by Weber's on Friday from 11 to 2ish. It's for a wonderful family. Please continue to pray for them in their time of need!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Great yet terrible day!
Ry Ry had an appt with Dr. Julie and NP Diane. Dr. Julie gave the great, fabulous, awesome news that we can discontinue the apnea monitor. That means that she is completely of everything! EVERYTHING!! 6 months old and we finally have a "normal" baby. Normal in the sense that she isn't connected to any machines or tubes. It's absolutely, positively AWESOME!!
Ry Ry is developmentally at 3 to 4 month pretty much spot on! Physically is a completely different story. Normally at 3-4 months of age a baby is rolling over and holding their head up and quite possibly sitting without support. Rylee can smile and look/talk to her hands and rubs her head sideways. Her neck and trunk muscles are lacking. Her head is still very wobbly. She can't roll over by any means. Sitting up on her own is not even being thought of at this point in time.
A couple of weeks ago we met with a woman named Tammy. She runs our county's Birth to 3 program. Dr. Julie and NP Diane are thrilled that there is such a program around us and are extremely happy they will be coming. NP Diane s going to call Tammy and talk with extensively about Rylee and get her up to date on her past and medical needs. We are meeting with Tammy and a couple of therapists later next week. So we are on the fast track to helping RyRy catch up with her actual age, though it's still quite a ways off!
That was the great news. The terrible news is that a family very near and very dear to me needs prayers! My sister, her husband and their 2 children had a fire start in their garage this morning. The fire spread through the breezeway to a gameroom (a 2+ car converted garage) to the attic above the gameroom. The damage throughout their home, garage, breezeway and gameroom are absolutely undescribable. 4 fire departments were there. Thankfully the neighbor was out and called 911. Local cops kicked in the door and were able to save their 2 dogs. However, their cat, Zoe, who was inside the house passed away in the comfort of my nephew's room.
My brother-in-law lost his truck, his Jeep, the family ATVs and another car(I don't know how to spell the name of it). But mostly, he lost his beloved Barracuda, a vehicle he inherited, I believe, from his aunt who passed away a few years ago. The curtains over the patio door in the kitchen were melted as well as screens on doors, the gameroom floor, everything in the garage, the siding on the neighbors house...this list goes on. This family has lost everything in this awful fire. Things like curtains, garages, siding, ATVs can be replaced. But things like Joe's Barracuda and the family cat, Zoe can't be.
So please pray for this family in their time of need. Pray hard because they deserve better than this. They don't deserve to shed those tears and feel this pain. Zoe didn't deserve to die a horrid death. My sister and her husband didn't deserve the calls at work and lose their worldly possessions. My niece and nephew didn't deserve this. This is a family who didn't deserve this. I am again unsure of why God does what he does sometimes. I just don't understand.
I did take photos while I was there today but at the privacy of my sister and her family, I am not posting them. I know you understand.
So again please pray for my sister's family tonight.