Saturday, December 19, 2009

We've been busy!

I think my last post was...Tuesday? Since Tuesday we have had our hands full with lots of exciting and some not so exciting stuff!

Wednesday morning was Troy's surgery. His appointment was originally at 8:15 and was moved up to 6:30 am due to some cancellations. The alarm went off at a grooling 5:15 am. I awoke, Kris awoke and Miss Rylee awoke, who was up the entire day with only two 15 minutes catnaps throughout the day! Troy did well through his surgery. He had adenoids removed and tubes placed. His adenoids turned to mush and fell apart apparently, which meant they were chronically infected. Thus meaning that they were 100% the problem! When he was waking up, he became fixated with his IV and wanted to pull it out. Luckily after a stressful 15 minutes, he was awake enough for them to remove it. I got him dressed and the 2 of us headed home with a pit stop at the pharmacy for his prescription (which cost me $101.54...what is this world coming to...$101.54 for a small bottle of ear drops...gosh!) He was a handful that evening. He cried every 15 minutes. Last night, he got up 5 times throughout the night...ugh! He is still overly whiny and keeps covering his mouth and/or ear(s). I am really not sure what to do now. We are just going to continue giving him the drops and see how it pans out. If he's not better by Monday than we may have to visit the doc.

Wednesday, Kristopher had his one and only final (that is why he couldn't come with me to Troy's surgery). My sister Carmen watched Rylee while Kris took his final. So school is done until the latter part of January next year. I am beyond excited and I know he is too!

Thursday was just an average day, just with a little boy who was much crabbier and needier than usual.

Friday was an AWESOME day! Rylee was suppose to have Occupational Therapy with Jessica and Speech Therapy with Krisann however, due to illness, Krisann cancelled. Jessica did come and was excited with Rylee's progress. Back in August, each therapist set goals for Rylee to meet by February 1, 2010. Well, Krisann pretty much told us the goals were met the last time she was here, which was November, and Jessica told us that she is going to have to write new goals for Rylee because she has met her goals for February! The only area she is legging on is physical therapy which we knew. Her trunk and upper body muscles are immature. Rylee is a small 12 lb, 14 oz and a long 25 inches...which is a fantastic 10 lbs and 10 inches in 10 months! Someday we will meet those physical goals! Jessica gave us new things to do with Rylee such as placing a toy in each hand and letting her bang the toys together. That way she learns that she has 2 hands. She is fascinated with hands and is constantly checking her out, I guess to make sure they are still there!

Other very exciting new is we now have a reason for all Rylee's drool and chewing...2 teeth! She is budding 2 teeth on the bottom. AND!...she is loving her cereal...most of the time. Last night, she ate 2 bowls of cereal plus drank 5 ounces of formula!!! That's a HUGE supper for her!

Today, I went to Dubuque. I arrived around 9:30 and didn't head out until 2. Oh my was CRAZY! My first stop was Old Navy. Last night as we were watching TV there was a commercial for $3 sweatshirts. So I stopped in and got Kris a couple. My next stop was right next door, Michael's, to finish us some Christmas presents! Then I went to Menard's for a new light fixture for above our kitchen sink and got a Christmas present there. I proceeded to Hobby Lobby to complete a Christmas present and while there I got an amazing letter K! Doesn't it look awesome in our entryway? I love it and it only cost me $3.00!

I made a suppose to be quick trip to the $100 store...I mean Wal Mart. Really I can never get out of that place for under $100! I picked up a pack of cookie cutters for Christmas cookies, some baking ingredients (baking chocolate, candy canes, butter), 6 shirts for Kris (they were advertised for $2 so $12 for work shirts is a small price to pay for necessities and they just get yucky and filthy anyway!) and 4 cans of formula (that was pretty much my entire bill there!) and probably a couple of other things that I can't think of right now. They I went to Target for some diapers and wipes. I picked up a couple of cans of green beans for .50 a piece, what a deal! My last stop was Little Folks Trading Post. It's a second hand kids store. Their motto is.."Keeping the cost of growing up...down!" I love that store! They have super nice things. Everything that you would need. Plus it is reducing our carbon footprint by using gentally used. I picked up a cute pair of PJs for Rylee, a pair of khaki pants for Troy (since the holiday season is approaching), another 2 piece outfit for Rylee and a sling to carry my babes with for under $20. The sling brand new is $50 so that is pretty good. They told me that the sling was too small for the woman who bought it. AWESOME! Right next door to the Little Folks Trading post is The Hanger. That is a second hand store for my size people (and bigger). I picked up a couple of tops for a total of $8.00!

After shopping, Kris hung up our K while I wrapped a gift for a christmas party we had tonight! While I was wrapping I kept smelling this AWFUL smell. We noticed it all week and couldn't figure out what the heck it was. We have a box in our living room that contains our water pipes (since we live on a hill, there is ground under our house so the pipes had to wrap in the house to supply the bathroom on the other side of the wall with water) which we refinished and boarded up nice and tight last winter. Kris and I scooted around on hands and knees trying to find the source of the smell. It was coming from the box! Kris was worried it was the pipes and I was worried it was a mouse. So we pried open that top of the box and inside on top of the Pink Panther, Pepto Bismal colored insulation was a furry little dead mouse. YUCK! At least it was in the box and not in our house. We disinfected and now the smell (and the mouse) are gone.

Tonight was my dad's girlfriend's parents' christmas celebration. It was fun. Troy was a whiny pain in the rear. Their house is very non-child friendly. I was panicked he would fall through the railings or break something. OH MAN! It was the most stressful couple of hours of my life. Ok, maybe not, but it was stressful none the less! We had fun. I finally uploaded the photos off of my camera...enjoy!

Daddy shoveling during our big snow storm!

This was from the summer just my kids sleeping (it's been a while since I uploaded the entire card!)

August 4, 09. This was my niece and nephew's Radio Flyer tricycle after their house fire. I like this photo.

Merry Christmas!

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