Monday, December 7, 2009

Luck is not on our side

I have literally been trying to get groceries for days. First it was I hate taking both kids to the store by myself and avoid that at all costs, secondly, I am alone and after arriving at WalMart, realize I forgot my pocketbook at home, and then it was 9 on Sunday night. I absolutely had to bite the bullet, pick my kids up from daycare and then go get some groceries. We did it! There were only a few meltdowns from Troy about this or that but overall he did very well. This was by far the best trip in the last 12 months, hands down. Rylee, of course, didn't make a peep the entire time. She just looked around and let the groceries crowd her in in the front of the cart.

We got home tonight and ate a very late dinner. Troy even helped me put things away. He thought he was big stuff! After dinner, which was just smoked sausage, mac and cheese and California medley (I know you were wondering) oh, and I made cookies for dessert (remember back in September when I bought overpriced cookie dough, well it arrived last week so making a pan of cookies is rather easy at this moment in time). I really don't think a period should go there but it's late and I'm too lazy to modify that last sentence. Anyway...After dinner, I laid both Troy and Rylee down to get diapers changed and pajamas on. Troy was talking to Rylee, pretending to tickle her when all of the sudden he reaches over, grabs her hand, kisses it, says "Ahhhh, Ry Ry" and lays a big wet one on her forehead. My heart melted. She just did this little gooey for you smile and eye flutter thing. If you know Rylee than you know what I am talking about. She loves him from the tips of her hair to the tips of her toes.

It was a great end to a not so great day. Remember in June when the deer ran into us and totaled our Cobalt? Well, we bought a car from Kris's parents. It had these nice, new tires. Well, one of those tires went to tire heaven today. Some way, some how, Kris ended up with a huge gash in his tire on his way to drop the kids off at Tara's before class. The guys at Munyon's put the spare on so he, barely, got the kids dropped off and then dropped in a chair at my desk because he was too late for class. Luck is just not on our side. I really really hope that next year is better for us. I am depending upon this. This is turning into a really bad joke, seriously, and we are smack dab in the center of it. We are the heart and sole of this *bleepeddybleep* joke. So now, when money is tighter than tight anyway, we have to buy a new tire, 18 days before Christmas. Kris and I have had many discussions and blame this year. This is just not our year. I think you could probably quote me at least 5 times in past posts but I am going to say it again...This year just plain SUCKS! AND, there are still 24 days before the end of this god awful year. I do have to say, that out of all my 24 years, this one has been the worst. I have hit my low many times this year. I just want to get back to my happy, size 2 self. I want to be all lovey dovey with my husband (I know, my family is probably letting out a groan at the thought) like we were in high school, college, honeymoon stage of our marriage instead of us looking at each other with pity in each of our eyes and frowns on our faces. I just want normal. I don't want to live this joke anymore. I know, you're thinking "it was just a tire" but it wasn't just a tire, it's not just a bump in the road, it's our life...and as happy as we are, happy that we are all healthy, happy that we are all here, it sucks. So, hopefully, since it's 12:12 am on December 8th, we have 23 more days until next year and we're desperately hanging on to 12:01 January 1, 2010 for things to turn completely around. Luck is not on our side today but maybe in 23 days, it will be and that I am dependent upon, desperate for, praying for.

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