Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Nose is connected to the ear that is connected to...

This snow late morning we had to take Troy to the ENT doc. Remember in my last post about life being not so great and having 23 days until the end of the year? I've knocked on wood and prayed hard...but it looks like we have another hurdle to jump over before the end of the year. Troy is having surgery next Wednesday to have tubes put in his ears and have his adenoids taken out. I hate that he has to go through this but after 11 ear infections in 17 months, I think it is definitely time. Plus this will help with his hearing by removing the fluid that just sits on his ears. We were ready for this news and prepared to hear what the doctor said before we went there. We've known for the last 17 months that this would probably be what would happen to "cure" this. He has about a 10% chance of developing reoccurring ear infections. This is reduced because the adenoids are coming out. The removal of the adenoids will also help the constant runny nose thing he has going on and may help cut down illness since the bacteria will not be just sitting idle anymore. We were prepared for this so it's not so shocking. I just hate that he has to be put under. Rylee was put under when she had her shunt surgery and the hours it took for her to come out of it were absolutely awful. She would just cry out because of the pain, the change in her brain pressure and the anesthetic wearing off in general was upsetting. I was tramatized by this and since Troy is bigger, fiestier I am a tadbit nervous of the anesthetic wearing off. We'll do fine. Just another hurdle to cross, bump to go over! What really bites the big one is that I have to take the entire day off work which means I have to make all 8 of those hours up before the end of December...it's going to be tricky that is for sure! So if we could just make it through the rest of this year with this little bump, no more surprises and time off, we'll be doing great! UGH!! Sometimes, I tell ya. Have a wonderful day all.

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