Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another baby was born yesterday!

Baby Adam wanted Baby Ashlyn to have her own birthday or maybe he wanted his own...anyway, he's here. He graced the world with his presence at 12:07 pm yesterday afternoon weighing 7 lb, 15 oz and was 20 inches. This brings our tally to 4 nephews and 4 nieces! And I love each one of them to death!

Adam is exactly 5 lb heavier and 5 inches longer than Miss Rylee when she was born. Now Rylee is 4 lbs heavier and 3 inches longer. I am afraid he will caught up and probably surpass her soon.

I took Rylee to see a chiropractor yesterday. I have actually never been to a chiropractor before but decided that maybe some nerves were pinched or something. I really want Rylee to quit vomiting so that was the ultimate goal. So as Baby Adam was making his grand entrance, Rylee's new chiropractor, Emily, was talking serious business with me. What it simply comes down to is the Rylee's spine is tight which is not a big deal. Emily adjusted Rylee's C1, C2 and L1. C1 holds the nerves that get blood supply to the head, pituitary gland, scalp, bones of the face, brain, inner and middle ear, sympathetic nervous system and eyes. The C2 controls the eyes, optic nerves, auditory nerves, sinuses, tongue, forehead and heart. And L1 takes care of the large intestine, inguinal rings and uterus. However, Rylee's sutures that make up her skull have shifted from having a flat right side of her head to having 12 times the amount of fluid drained off her brain. Her skull has had drastic changes over the past 8 months. Therefore, she thinks that Jugular foramen is being pinched off. The Jugular foramen contains the Inferior petrosal sinus, Glossopharyngael nerve, Vagus nerve, Accessory nerve, Sigmoid sinus and Posterior meningeal artery. What concerns her the most is the Glossopharyngeal nerve, which takes care of the mouth, Vagus nervus, which takes care of the lungs, and the Accessory nerve, which takes care of the neck muscles. This would explain the vomiting, head/neck control and constant crackling in her lungs. She is going to try to work the sutures to move enough to get those unpinched. I just hope something works for our dear dear Rylee.

I will definitely post some pictures of Sweet Baby Adam. We are going to head up to visit them this weekend. As well as do a little bowling for Lexie and Avery's birthday party!

Have a good night!

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