Thursday, July 15, 2010

To bank or not to bank....?

Currency banking is my thing, obviously!  But that's not the kind of banking I'm talking about.  Kris and I have a very limited time, like only a week, to decide if we are going to bank our baby's cord blood.  Hydrocephalus and Developmental delays have been "cured" by those precious stem cells.  Those are what make my baby "disabled".  These stem cells may help her live a more "normal" life.  And what if this little wiggle worm I'm carrying has the same or some of the same problems as Rylee?  It's a gamble.  However, just like everything, it may not work.  We may bank them for nothing.  But in our case, the odds are with us that we'll be able to use them.  The catch is the cost to bank them....ouch! The cost to bank them now is about 3.7% the cost of not banking them and needing them later. There is a lot of controversy over banking stem cells.  I did not get pregnant to obtain these stem cells to "fix" my sick child.  In the movie, My Sister's Keeper, those parents do.  This is however, the only shot we have at this.  In 6 short weeks or less, we either bank them or not.  We have no other chance.  We are not and cannot have anymore child.  So this is it!  Do we do it or do we just throw them away?  Right now, if I had the money to bank them, I would do it in the blink of an eye.  I do think that we could get the money to do it.  It's doesn't cost an arm just maybe a toe.  Seriously, it's not terrible just not chump change.  I want to bank them.  I want to have them in case one of our 3 children need them.  What would you do?

1 comment:

  1. I think I would bank the cord blood if I were in your shoes. Who knows where the technology will be even in just a few years and they'll be able to do some wonderful things for Rylee, I'm sure. The cost would be a big factor for me, but if you can swing it, I would bank it. You can always decide not to use it...but at least it will be there. See you soon! -Dana
