Monday, July 26, 2010

GI and nutritionist update

If you ask the ladies I work with, I was full of hard knocks this morning before I took Rylee to her GI/dietian appt.  I vowed I was not leaving that place until we got some decisions made, no more of this "come back in a month" crap.  Well, guess who's going back in a month?  We are.  Were decisions made? Nope.  We did discuss stuff like the feeding tube.  As of right now, if Rylee doesn't gain a decent amount of weight in the next month, than the GI doc will intervene and place a feeding tube.  Rylee is down an ounce in 6 weeks.  DOWN AN OUNCE!  WTF?  She has thrown up 3 times in the last week, but even then that wouldn't affect her weight enough to result in a loss.  She is more active but in order for her to result in a loss, she would need to literally be running full speed from the time she wakes to the time she goes to bed for the last 6 weeks and considering she can't even "crawl" that's not the case.  If you took the amount of calories that Rylee gets in 1 day and gave that to a "normal" baby doing comparable activity, that child would be extremely rolly poley.  For whatever reason, Rylee doesn't seem to absorb those calories.  6 months ago, Rylee weighed 15 lbs, today she still weighs 15 lbs.  Her entire rib cage and all the vertebrae of spine stick out.  It's gross.  What's even more disgusting is that she looks this way and we spend hundreds of dollars a month just to feed her and for what?  This is what is so damn frustrating.  There is a message on the answering machine tonight from the GI doc saying she and the dietian thought of something after Rylee and I left today.  So I will call her in the morning and find out what she has to say.  Hopefully whatever it is, is cheap and easy and WORKS!

One other little tidbit of news, I caught Rylee taking a small crawl ON TAPE!   See?  I squeal in it so turn your volume off!

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