Monday, July 12, 2010

Continuing to see progress

This weekend was meant to clean out the garage.  Our intentions were good on Saturday morning.  We packed our old TV and some other junk to drop off at the thrift shop.  Just so you know, thrift shops don't take televisions.  I didn't know that otherwise I wouldn't have let Kristopher packed that big ol' thing into the back of the car just to have to unload the thing.  So somethings are gone just not everything we wanted.  And the garage is definitely not clean.  Not even close.  It's on that to do list that I told you about last time just not done yet.  It has to get done before baby comes.

Speaking of baby ultrasound is Friday!!  I am excited to see him or her and hope there are no surprises.  I have been having some major contractions this weekend.  They're not painful just annoying.   They're sporadic so no need to worry about them right now.  This baby is definitely a wiggle worm.  It just won't stop moving.  That's probably why I am still awake at 11:30 pm.  I can't seem to get comfy in my bed so I have taken residency on the couch.  Kristopher and I sat down this morning and decided on who we want to ask to be godparents for this babe and we're so excited to ask them in next few weeks.  Next weekend is my friend Carolyn's baby shower.  I am extremely excited for that.  I haven't seen her since she's been pregnant nor have I seen my friend Dana (who is due in early October) or my friend Annie.  And I get to see those 3 lovely ladies next weekend.  I sure hope this week goes by faster than last week. 

Troy Thomas is funny!  He talks nonstop and says some of the darndest things.  For example, he opens the door just to make sure the "blue car" is still there and says "blue car here mom. cool cool carseat in there".  We got him and Rylee a blow up pool on Saturday.  We filled it, took naps (well lack thereof but desperately tried to get him to sleep instead of constantly talking about the pool) in hopes the water would warm up in the sun.  No such luck.  After supper we went out to run off the very last of his energy.  The water was still cold but he still splashed around.  Rylee didn't care for it much and was more than content to sit on my lap and laugh at him and daddy.  Troy also has manners down pat!  He says "please" "thank you" "your welcome" and "excuse me" at appropriate times most of the time without being reminded.  Potty training has been easy peasy.  He enjoys the potty.  He sometimes even gets mad when his bladder goes dry and says "i want more!"  #2 on the other hand, is more private.  He still feels more comfortable with the diaper than the potty when it comes to that.  He's just 2 and a half and I am sure he won't got to Kindergarten in a diaper so it definitely hasn't been hard core potty training.  Maybe when I am home after the baby comes, we work more consistently on it but as of right now, it's when he wants to do it.  We do make it fun.  We sing songs.  His favorite lately is The Wheels on the Bus.  Rylee also loves The Wheels on the Bus.  They both have taken to books lately.  Troy loves the pictures.  Most of the time, he's took excited to let me read the book word for word so sometimes if the book isn't memorized, I make the stories up.  He now has started to tell his own stories.  Most of the time, I don't exactly follow the story but I am sad and happy in the appropriate times.  Rylee got a hold of a cookbook today.  She ripped an entire page out.  When I told her no, she turned, looked at me and smiled like she did something good. 

Today, we seen her pull herself up on her hands and knees more.  She still hasn't figured out that it would be much easier and faster to just move those hands and knees and she hasn't figured out how to do it.  She desperately wants to.  She rocks back and forth just can't go forward.  She can cruise in her walker.  Troy, Kris and my feet have been victims of that many times.  She stands up and walks.  It think that walker itself is more for security than anything.  Just wait until she gets those braces in a few weeks.  We'll really have trouble on our hands then.  We'll have to get her new shoes.  She's got such tiny, narrow feet that a pair of size 1 wides will probably do it.  I am really not even sure what the doctor will say or what we'll walk of his office with.  Speaking of doctors, Troy went to see Dr. K his ENT doc about his tubes.  It was just a 6 month post op check up.  I didn't go, Kristopher took him and Rylee because I have been missing a lot of work for appointments in the past few months and didn't feel like I was necessarily needed for this one.  Kris said that Dr. K seemed more interested in Rylee than Troy.  Oh well.  We just had her hearing checked at the development assessment and it was fine.  Dr. K wants to see Troy back in 12 months and if the tubes haven't feel out by then then they'll remove them.  However, Dr. R said a few weeks ago that one was already starting to come out of place.  At that appointment in 12 months, I think that we'll also have Rylee seen since he thought it was such a big deal, just to make sure.  With all the trouble that we had with Troy's ears and ear infections, I am surprised to say that Rylee has only had 1 in her almost 18 months.  Knock on wood I guess!  She also has not shown that she is allergic to anything unlike her brother.  Therefore, I think that we have all areas covered, seen experts for all types of things so Baby #3 should be easy in that regard. Baby #3 will hopefully be the one that is easy, medically speaking.  I think that Baby #3 will definitely be difficult in his/her own way considering this pregnancy and how hard and difficult it has been thus far. 

I am done babbling now.  It now 12:15 am and I think I have been watching more ET than typing.  Right now is the Jake and Vienna battle, ha!  Good night all!

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