Monday, May 24, 2010

Sundays and I have a love/hate relationship

I love the weekends.  It's the only time during the 7 day week that I get to spend with my husband.  We get to do what we want whether that's a lot or nothing at all.  Saturday night, Kris and I got to watch a movie together.  We watched Lovely Bones.  I read the book years ago during a trip to California to see my brother-in-law graduate Boot Camp.  The book was good from what I remember but I just couldn't handle the movie.  It was actually freaky.  I didn't care much for the movie.  It wasn't my type of movie.  But I got to spend it with my husband and really that is all that matters.  Sunday, we had a bunch of plans.  We got most of them done.  The laundry pile is still calling my name but the chairs are built, the rock retaining wall is put in, as well as the mulch, the lines on the clothesline are changed, the ceiling fan is up and running, my mini roses and sunflower are repotted to bigger pots and the pantry door is on and closes.  We also went to my mother-in-law's quilt show.  I am not a quilt connoisseur or anything, but I love her quilts.  She showed us the fabric that she got to make Troy a 2 year old quilt.  We have a lot of fun pointing out things like cookies and fire trucks on his 1 year old quilt.  So I am excited to see what his 2 year old and Rylee's 1 year old quilts will look like.  Troy was pretty well behaved.  We told him not to touch the quilts and for the most part his listened.  After we walked through the quilts, we were standing and talking to Kris's mom while Troy ran in circles around us.  Then Kris's dad pulled up on his motorcycle.  We pointed him out to Troy and asked who that was.  To which Troy replied with a big grin on his face, "Grandpa".  He loves his Grandpa Klauer or as we call him at our house Grandpa with the trains.  We had a great weekend.  I found out that my friends were having a get together Saturday night on saturday so I unfortunately couldn't go.  I would've loved to but home was where I needed to be.  I will eventually get to hang out with my friends.  Hopefully, before all the babies are born.  I really wanna see Dana and Carolyn's baby bellies.

Tonight, I did something I have never really done before.  I used our grill.  I did it and all by myself.  I haven't had much luck with our grills before, but I did tonight.  I made burgers and a couple hot dogs.  Needless to say, they turned out great!  Enjoy the photos from our weekend!   

 Troy enjoying a icy pop in the 90° weather

 Kris making the Adirondack chairs

Troy enjoying one of the chairs.  They still have to be filled, sanded and painted

Rylee was left inside so she decided to come find us

 One last toothy smile and a wave good night!

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