Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommy's.  In my personal opinion, being a mommy is wonderful.  It doesn't matter if you're a mommy to a human child, dog, fish, cat (ahem, not a cat lover myself but there are those out there that do love those creatures).  I am lucky enough to be the mommy of 2 human children, 1 mildly active fetus, 3 angel babies and 2 hounds.  Kris and I lent my brother my camera for spring break, well he still has it.  The thing was a Kodak piece of garbage.  It ate batteries like crazy.  The amount of money that we have spent on batteries for that camera alone could've bought a brand new one!  The camera we had before was a Sony Cybershot.  We loved it.  It worked wonderfully.  But we got the Kodak right before Troy was born because we'd had the Sony for a long time and it was outdated.  So, Kris and I decided that instead of getting each other something useless or something we didn't want, we decided that our Mother's, Father's and Anniversary gift to each other and from the kids would be a new camera.  And there were the best sales on those this weekend.  So together we picked out a new one.  Another Sony Cybershot.  It's nothing spectacular.  We just want to take pictures of our family so it will serve it's purpose.  We didn't need the video capability because Rylee got a Flip from her godparents for her Baptism.  And let me tell you, you need a Flip.  I don't care who you are, where you live, what you need a Flip.  Those are amazing little pieces of art!  And our daughter has one.  For example,   because of the Flip I was able to get Rylee clapping for the first time on camera.  I got a video of Troy talking to me.  Which leads me to another very interesting topic...2 year old brains and communication.  Troy has shown quite a bit of interest in the potty.  We've jumped on that bandwagon, but he just can't figure out that he needs to tell us that he needs to go potty before  he goes.  He tells us as he goes.  Work in progress...anyway, he always says "I'm pooped I'm pooped Momma" when he really means he just piddled and his diaper is wet and he wants a new clean dry one.  However, the last couple of days, he has decided that he can remove his diaper on his own.  He simply takes it off, leaves it and walks around in the buff.  He enjoys being naked to an almost unhealthy degree (well, not really but I can imagine him taking his honeymoon or vacation to a Hedonism Resort in Jamaica or somewhere like that).  Today, we asked him if he was "stinky".  He said no and then not 10 minutes later comes out to the living room, infront of Kris and I, says "I pooped" and takes his messy diaper off.  Thankfully, it didn't make a mess all over.  But that's just 1 example.  He also has taken off in his speech.  It's amazing what a 2 year old thinks of.  He talks a lot about "jew bock" which is a juice box.  He also has conversations with us.  It's nice!  He knows his manners.  He burped not once, not twice but three times at the dinner table tonight right in a row and said excuse me when he was done and covered his mouth.  He will say "please" and "thank you" and "your welcome" when prompted.   It's fun being a mommy!

Take a look at my Mother's Days!

Mother's Day 2007

Mother's Day 2008

Mother's Day 2009

Mother's Day 2010

My niece, Jalyn, turns 7 today.  Happy Happy Birthday Jalyn.  Enjoy a couple of my favorite pics of her!

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