Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Rylee had her appointment with the GI doc at AFCH.  We also seen the dietian, who never did anything she was suppose in the last 4 weeks.  I am not even going to start on how worthless I think the dietian is.  Any how, Rylee's weight today was 15 lb 0.9 oz.  WTH, right? My thoughts exactly.  She has lost 8 oz since April 27.  She did have a few days of the flu but it wasn't terrible.  However, we are going to be trying some new things and avoiding a feeding tube for another month!  We're really trying to make it to the end of summer by "floating" by until Pediasure releases their new product 1.5.  Rylee is on Pediasure 1.0 right now which is 30 k/cal and the 1.5 is 45 k/cal.  So we are going to increase her Protonix to 4mL twice a day instead of once.  We are also going to add this powder called Duocal to her Pediasure.  This increases the amount of calories she receives per ounce since Pediasure's 30 isn't enough.   The only way to get the Duocal is to order it online from a supplier.  I went onto the website that the dietian gave me to order the stuff, no way insurance will pick this up.  I registered as a new customer and immediately received a $20 off coupon in my email.  I did some math to figure out how long a can of Duocal would last us which would be a week.  A case is 6 cans.   So 6 weeks for a case which costs $133.50 and has free shipping.  So that's $22.25 a week plus the cost of the Pediasure which is about $40 a week.  I'll take $60 a week over $165 for the Vital Jr.   But today I used the $20 off coupon so I got the case for $113.50, which is $18.91 a can.  I was happy about that.  That was awesome.  So I ordered it.  It should be here in a week.

As I said before, we don't qualify for WIC because of our income.  However, I have never applied because of this.  I learned today that we may be eligible because of Rylee's special needs.  She is a child with special needs.  WIC covers Pediasure if prescribed which we can easily get the prescription.  The maximum benefit is 18-19 cases per month or 30 oz per day.  This would cover our Pediasure cost or at least some of it.  WIC is a supplemental program not a pay for all program.  I guess we'll find out when I talk the WIC people.  So that's that when it comes to Rylee's appointment today. 

On another note, she puked today at daycare.  She hasn't thrown up since Sunday.  I could easily get used to a  few days of no vomiting! 

I have to go to the doctor tomorrow.  A regular OB checkup.  I was thinking today, how laxed I am this pregnancy.  I mean I don't even know how far along I am unless I counted the weeks on the calendar.  And I have no idea if this kid can hear me talking or react to light.  I have spurts of energy here and there.  For the most part I feel alright.  My right side goes numb a lot.  I get kicked about 90% of the time on the right side.  All my pain is on the right side.  My pubic bone is another story.  I am starting to believe it's fractured or something.  I have never been in so much pain ever.  If I get into bed, 9 times out of 10 I have to have Kris help me get out.  And even then there is a lot of pain.  This pregnancy has definitely hands down been 200 times more difficult than other pregnancies.  It's rather miserable to be honest.  I am looking forward to August when this kid will come out.  And I was watching a newborn baby on TV the other day and got the itch to hold this babe.  BUT, I don't want to hold him/her before 36 weeks!

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