Sunday, May 2, 2010


It's been a great weekend!  Friday night, it was just the kids and I because Kris had to work.  Kris has had to work 32 hour weeks for the last year and then April came...boom...40 hours weeks are back (at least for the month of April).  That means work is picking up!  That's awesome. 

Saturday, we headed got early thanks to Rylee and Kris went out to the garage to work on his dad's birthday gift (which I don't have a photo of).  At 9:30, we headed to Cassville to celebrate his dad's birthday on his actual birthday!  Kris had cut the pieces of his dad's gift at home and together they assembled it.  We Kris gave him a big kid's sized picnic table.  We racked our brains trying to come up with something for him.  I suggested the picnic table.  It was something practical and with 5 soon to be 6 grandchildren, it'll get it's use.  And if our family, Kris' brother and his family and Kris's parents are all there, 6 adults and soon to be 6 kids, we don't all fit around their outside table.  Now, the kids (at least 4 will fit at anytime) at the new picnic table.  Fill the holes, sand and seal, and presto, an outdoor picnic table.  It's made of 2x4s and 2x6s so I imagine that thing it on the heftier side.  Well his dad sat down at it and opened his gifts of chocolates and a grandpa pen from Kris's brother's family.  Kris's brother, Nick, had drill this weekend so he missed out on the festivities.  Their kids, Isaac, Noah, and Adam had fun I think.  Adam was smiley most of the day.  Isaac, Noah and Troy all took to wearing out pig piling on Kris.  I have a video.

Troy absolutely would not take a nap.  He was more interested in playing and what everyone else was doing.  So by 3, we knew if that child didn't get a nap, there would be hell to pay.  He was asleep before we got out of Cassville.  We made a Menards stop of the way home.  We needed to get potting and garden soil for our garden, a bush or perennel of some kind for the bare spot in the front of our house and some mulch to put around it.  Once home, Kristopher built our raised garden.  We decided to raise it completely off the ground because it's my garden and since I pregnant with a child who likes to crush nerves going from right hip down to my right foot, immobilizing my hip, butt and leg most of the time, raised worked better for me.  And, after the wind blew the lid off our sandbox and the neighborhood stray cats decided to shit in it, raised off the ground would be easier to keep them out of.  Those damn cat makes life a little harder.  (And we have called animal control before, the neighbor who feeds them just said they're not his cats, he just feeds them and so they set up traps only catching 1 cat and 1 pregnant opossum (which babies while in the cage with it's mouth stuck open in the opening of the wire cage (and Kristopher being so animal friendly put on his boots and popped it's mouth free))).

Today, bright and early we were up and outside.  Kris and sometimes Troy dug up the sod and weeds in the area that the Red Twigged Dogwood flowering shrub.  We had a 10' wide, 4-5' high area we wanted to fill.  So we got that.  The shrub we got will fill most of that area.  We also have a couple hostas planting next to our house in a rather odd place so we are going to move those and put them around this shrub.  We chose a red mulch to cover the ground underneath.  It looks good.  I would go outside and take a photo but it's pouring rain so maybe next time.

That red twigged dogwood will look like this in the winter.  Lovely with the snow (which I am so so happy to have a few months break from!)  I think that looks neat.  But right now, it's small and needs time to grow. 

Last Saturday, I planted seeds in pellets in a little greenhouse.  Today, the beans were so high they lifted the lid off of it.  So, I planted them.  It's a little early to go planting a garden, I know, but I felt good, it was great weather today and we had all the necessities to do it.  Later this summer, we will have beans, peas, carrots, onions and beets and by the end of the month, radishes.  We will do tomatoes and bell peppers in a bigger container to accommodate the cages.  And, we'll buy those plants since we waited too long to get the seeds going.  I would take a picture of the raised garden but again, it's pouring.

We also went to Dubuque today.  I wanted to get Troy some sandals and Rylee a walker and some good produce from HyVee so we went to Dubuque.  We stopped at the Little Folks Trading Post to look for the things for the kids.  We got Troy a few second hand pairs of sandals, a nice leather pair and a pair of Adidas that he trudge through mud in.  I also picked myself up a couple pairs of maternity pants (which I am was in dire need of) and 1 top.  However, they didn't have any walkers.  Next weekend is Platteville's city wide garage sales, so it's my mission to go out searching for one (or rope one of my coworkers into picking me up one while they're out).  We stopped at Target to get some diapers.  If you bought 2 boxes of Pampers, you would get a $10 gift card.  I also had a $2 target coupon and a couple manufacture coupons.  As it turned out, the only boxes that we included in the $10 deal were the new Pampers Dry Max.  These are supposedly suppose to hold more and be thinner.  They are thinner but definitely don't hold as much.  Rylee fits better in Huggies while Troy can only wear Pampers because he has sensitive skin and breaks out in diaper rash in other diapers.  I was not going to spend $30 for 56 size 5 diapers for Troy.  That's just crazy.  So we held off on those.  We have enough for him to get us by for a little while yet.  Rylee fits well in a size 2 in the Huggies brand but size 2 in Pampers still need to be folded over because they are too big but 1s are too small. 

**Side note, it's 8:22 and I am the only one awake in this house.  Rylee's been asleep for an hour, Troy for 2 hours and Kris for at least a half an hour.  I have a feeling morning is going to come early tomorrow! How come this doesn't happen on weeknights when I am completely worn out from working all day and have to fight with Troy until 10-11 pm for sleep! Amazing what a ton of fresh air does on a person!**

We stopped at HyVee and got a few things like milk, eggs, produce and cheese.  Then home we went.  Kris mowed our grass.  It was the first time for our backyard, second for the front.  Now we just got a ton of rain and it's suppose to be sunny tomorrow.  It'll need mowing by Tuesday again!  I built a little something that I just HAD TO HAVE!!  I think it cost us $5-10 to make where as Pottery Barns sells the exact same thing for $70.  I need to fill, sand and stain it but it had the most perfect area in my house.  Troy has already tried to climb on it so a plant or pictures need to be placed on it, quick!  This picture is from Pottery Barn Kids.  I got the plans from Knock Off Wood.  I am not going to paint mine, I am going to stain it.

I did it mostly by myself.  Kris helped me put the bottom shelf on at the end.  BUT, I cut all the pieces, even the angled legs.  I absolutely had to have this stand.  I had the most perfect corner of it.  And, I even tested out it's strength and sat on it, not even so much a wobble.  And I saved $60 in the end!  That is the best part!

At around 5, Troy decided to go in the house.  Only to come out seconds later, chocolate donut with chocolate frosting in hand (which he stole out of the box on the table).  Needless to say that once he finished that which was at the same time we finished the stool, he went straight in the house for a bath.  Worked out well because then it started pouring rain, thundering and lightning.  We've been lazy the rest of the time. Now, everyone, but me, is asleep and I think I may join them all!  Good night

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