Thursday, May 27, 2010

Terrible 2s

The last couple of days have been "terrible 2s" days.  I think I am losing my voice from hollaring at Troy.  Yesterday and today, he apparently forgot to turn his ears on.  I am not really sure what his deal is.  But he's hasn't been very well behaved at all.  Yesterday, I thought that I would take them grocery shopping at Walmart.  It was meant to be a quick trip.  I had made up a list before hand and everything.  It was not quick.  I said "No, Troy sit down" a lot.  Upon arriving at the check out, my 2 year old sees the rides and games area and proceeds to start screaming like bloody murder and scrambling to get out of the cart.  I have never been so embarrassed.  I was that parent with the kid that screams and you can hear them across the entire store.  Yup, me.  I had a terrible day at work and then a terrible trip to Walmart.  PLUS, I didn't get half the things on my list so I have to go shopping again.  We are going away for the weekend and I need that stuff to take with us.  LOVELY!  Upon arriving at home, all I did was hollar at him.  He's been having a problem keeping his hands to himself lately.  He thinks he can slid Rylee across the floor or sit on her or hit her or slap her belly. 

Tonight has been a little less than last night but Rylee has screamed out 3 times and Troy has been right next to her, "sssshhh"ing her. 

I decided to let them stay up tonight.  Rylee has been waking up at 5 the last couple mornings and everyone is tired of it.  So, I am going to let her play herself out and see what we get in the morning.  Troy is currently watching one of his favorite shows, Wow Wow Wubbzy, and then it's off to bed for him.  I did finally get my laundry started so I am sure the rest of tonight and all night tomorrow I will be doing laundry.  UGH!  I hate laundry.

On another note, after many many days of projectile vomiting, she puked.  She not only puked but she silently puked in the Kris's car as he was taking her and Troy to the babysitter.  He thought he could smell Chocolate Pediasure.  He pulled over and checked on her.  Sure enough she was covered in it.  She was wearing a dress that she had never worn before.  Tara, the babysitter, washed her up, rubbed her dress out, and put her a clean, dry outfit.  We have a huge bag full of her clothes at our house.  Now I have another outfit to add.  We're really not sure why she pukes.  BUT, she's going to have a swallow study done on June 9 or something like that. 

My buzzer on the dry just roared at me so I guess that means I should go fold some clothes.  Good night all!

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