Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2 becoming 3

This past November, remember when I was having all those headaches.  I went to the doctor one day because it was severe enough and I just wanted it to be gone.  It seemed as though nothing would make that knock you to your knees, blinding headaches go away.  And I needed some relief.  I seen a little pregnant doctor whom I had never seen before.  She thought that maybe I had sinus infection and prescribed me antibiotics.  I didn't feel like I had sinus infection, which I have had before.  She also suggested 800 mg of Ibeprofen 3 times a day and if the migraines persisted, to come back.  I left with no relief.  I filled my antibiotics prescription and started taking those and 800 mg of Ibeprofen 3 times a day.  There never seemed to be any relief. 

In the beginning of January, after constantly taking Ibeprofen, I made an appointment with my doctor to have a physical and try to figure out what the heck is going on.  I found out that I'm pregnant.  He told me stop the birth control and that it was probably the antibiotics that voided the contraception.  I didn't even know that could happen.  No one told me.  I was using the Ortho Evra patch as birth control.  It had previously been removed from use because of side effects, revamped and brought back.  Dr. B believes that it wasn't working properly anyway because it was 100% the reason for the migraines. 

Kris and I are having a hard time accepting that we're going to have another baby.  I know that it sounds horrible and 3 years ago, I would've gave my left arm for a chance like this, but I was sure that Troy and Rylee were it for us.  I know that when this baby comes, I will love him/her as much as I love Troy and Rylee. 

When I was pregnant with Troy, I had to use infertility drug and had a history of 3 past miscarriages, so I was put at a moderate risked pregnancy.  When I was pregnant with Rylee there was no risk.  However, since Rylee was born so premature, I have been placed at high risk.  Dr. B said that I have a 50/50 chance of another premature birth but he always says 50/50 and doesn't really have much info of Rylee's birth.  When I took Rylee to Iowa City, I talked to NP Diane.  She knows our case through and through.  She says 80/20.  That was what I was originally told a year ago. 

At this point, Dr. B has told me not to get overly stressed worrying about this.  We'll talk more later on.  At 5 weeks, I had an early intervention ultrasound.  Everything looked fine.  There's only 1 baby that was measuring a week behind the estimated due date.  At 5 and half weeks, I started spotting.  It was a saturday so I kept off my feet for the rest of the weekend.  The following week, I spotted 4 of 7 days.  I called Dr. B's office who wanted another ultrasound done.  Everything with the baby looked fine.  He/She had a strong heartbeat.  They found a moderate sized cyst on one of my ovaries.  We will deal with that after the baby is born.  Since, I have only had a little more spotting.  So far, I have seen Dr. B every 2 weeks since finding out. 

What I know at this point is that Dr. B recommends Progesterone shots weekly.  I am checking with the insurance company to see if they'll even cover this.  Most private insurance companies don't.  We'll see.  Dr. B says that bedrest will be inevitable.  At my first appt, he said at this point all we can do is pray that we make it to 34 weeks and that it's a girl.  It's proven that girls have a better survival rate than boys when born early.  While we're praying that I make it to 34 weeks, Dr. B said there is a flip side.  Troy was 8 lb, 9 oz. when he was born.  Dr. B says that this momma isn't built for babies of that size.  There is a chance, no one really knows for sure what that chance is, that I could have a full term baby.  Dr. B will NOT let this baby get over 8 lbs.  As long as lungs are mature, I will be induced before 8 lb, 9 oz.  With Troy, I showed signs of pre-eclampsia and was put on bed rest, induced 2 weeks later only to hemmrage and become extremely sick. So we don't want a repeat birth like Troy's or Rylee's.

I am scared to death to have another baby.  I don't want this baby to go through what Rylee did.  I don't want to go through another birth like Troy's.  Neither Troy nor Rylee were thrown up on my tummy for me to cuddle at first.  Both kids were wisked out of the room and I didn't get to see them until they were 1 to 2 hours old already.  Hopefully, things go smoothly this time around. 

This pregnancy is 100% different from Troy and Rylee's.  I lucked out with Troy and Rylee by not having morning sickness or tiredness (at the end with Troy I was miserably huge and just wanted that kid out!).   However, this time around, I have severe morning sickness and so overly tired I can hardly function.  I have ever pregnancy sign there is.  I am miserable.  I really feel like the life is being sucked out of me. It's just awful.

A lot of people I know are pregnant too.  My sister is due in the end of July, my sister-in-law is due in the end of August, my sister's sister-in-law is due mid-July, one of my best friend's is due towards the end of August.  There will be lots of babies.  My poor sister will have 4 nieces or nephews born with in a month, month and half.  Plus my dad is getting married the same week that I am due.  Hopefully I can be there to witness this world moving event. 

Therefore, our family is changing from a family of 4 to 5.  I am not sure all the logistics.  I don't know where we're going to live, what we're going to drive, what we're doing about daycare (3 kids at daycare is more than I make in a month!), college.  These things have yet to be determined.  What we do know is that this was a huge surprise to us.  Therefore, we are NOT finding out the sex of the baby and we are NOT going to share any names we choose.  It started off a surprise and it will end a surprise.


  1. Wow!! Congratulations.. I hope things calm down and you have a calm and peaceful, easy going pregnancy and deliver.. HUGS!!

  2. Hi Mary,
    You don't really know me but I've followed your blog. We used to sit by each other in an accounting class at UWP. This pregnancy is obviously a shock, and I don't blame you for being scared. I have nothing in my life to compare it to, but reading your blog, I have to say, I don't know how you do it. The constant dr appts, somehow making ends meet to provide for your family, etc. You're incredibly strong and it simply amazes me. I know you've struggled a bit with God over time, and I can't blame you. That being said, I know that God will get you through this. He doesn't give us anything we can't handle. Even though it may seem that way, look at how incredibly you've been able to walk through this past year or so! He'll be with you through this too. I'll be praying for you and your new little one that you finally have the healthy, easy baby that you deserve. Please just know that there are people out there who you don't even know that are thinking about you and your family and are praying for you. I wish you only the very best.
