Thursday, February 24, 2011

Busy Days!

Life at the Klauer household has been truckin' along.  We've been in our rhythm.  So here's an update of each of us...

Pretty much the same old same old.  He is recovering from Strep that I gave to him and then he gave back to me.  At least we share well!

There isn't really anything new about me.  I had a birthday on the 19th.  It was nice, except the strep throat part, and I enjoyed turning 26.  It was easy.  Kristopher and I took Rylee and Troy to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa Klauer.  They had a great time and both were crashed within minutes of leaving.  Kristopher, Weston and I went to the Melting Pot for what Kristopher calls "Linner" because it was 3:30 in the afternoon, too late for lunch, too early for dinner so Linner. Then we went to an Imax movie, which I have never experienced.  We saw I am Number 4.  Let me tell you on tidbit of info about me, I am not a scary movie person. I had seen a trailer for the movie but didnt think it would be "scary" but I was startled twice thoughout that movie.  PG13 my big ol' hiney!  I enjoyed the storyline of the movie but I think I will just read the book instead!  Or watch the next movie, I am pretty sure will be a series of movies since there is a series of books, at home with all the lights on! haha!

On Feb. 10 we took Wes to his 6 month well child checkup.  He's in the 25% for height and weight and 50% for his head circumference.  He looks like, and I say this because I absolutely love him, the marshmallow man! He's a little rolly polly but technically underweight!  Dr. C says if he wakes at night  and wants to eat, feed him, he's a growing boy!!  He's a rolling fool. He's getting ready to sit.  He can sit for a little while then falls over.  He's not so keen on cereal or oatmeal and not much for baby food!  He did however eat a small jar of bananas tonight.  I love this little boy so much! 


On Feb 10, Troy also had his well child visit just his 3 year, no shots at that one.  Dr. C said this is a shocker but he has been consistently 90% for his weight his entire life!  He is at the 50% for his height.  He's not fat by any means just a muscular little boy.  He hefts his brother and sister around where ever he wants them to be, against the likings of mom and dad!  We were concerned about his eyes.  They seemed a little off.  Dr. C also thought so so he suggested and recommended seeing an eye doctor for the possibility of glasses.  So on Feb 17, he met Dr. Scott and we learned that he has misaligned eyes and is farsighted.  So he has new spectacles.  Since turning 3 almost 2 months ago, he has grown up before our eyes.  Literally overnight, he was potty trained both night and day.  Then on Tuesday when I put his glasses on him, I lost my baby.  He says the funniest things and most serious things.  Just tonight he was in the bathroom going potty and I went in to check on him, he looked at me and said "excuse me, close the door now mom, don't be looking at my boy parts!"  He told me I guess.  I don't think that we have to worry about him running around naked. 

I saved her for last for a reason.  Because she is the most difficult and has the largest update, I am sure.  On Feb 10 she joined her brothers at Dr. C office for her 2 year well child check up.  She was a sick little girl.  Earlier in the day we had been at the doctor in Madison and she was fine.  Then 3 hours later, she had a 102°F.  Weird.  Turns out she had a bad double ear infection so Dr. C prescribed her the famous Omnicef.  3 days later, as we getting ready for church we found the hives.  As it turns out, Dr. C has switched churches and is now a member of the same one we belong to so we jumped him after church and he ordered her a new antibiotic.  Worked like a charm.  By the following Wednesday, you could barely see the hives and she "talked" to Dr. C for the first time and of course gave him her famous smile that melts his heart so.  As for trips to Madison, there have been many.  On Jan 19, Rylee had a repeat swallow study.  Turns out she has some penetration when drinking from a sippy cup so no more sippy cup, only cups with straws and a limit of 5 swallows.  And she needs to be taking smaller bites.  On Jan 27, her and I met a urologist, Dr. Kryger, who wanted to do an ultrasound on her kidneys and potentially a MRI of her spine.  She also had an echocardiogram that day and met the cardiology doctor, Dr. Hokenson, afterwards.  Her heart still has a hole in it which apparently is relatively common and she has regurgitation.  Dr. Hokenson said that on a broad spectrum of kids, he wouldn't need to see her again however, considering Rylee's medical history and lack of definitive diagnosis, he wants to see her at age 5.  That's great!  On Feb 10, we made the trek up to Madison in the morning before all the well child visits, to have the ultrasound of her kidneys done.  Her kidneys are a high normal size for her age however, she is not a normal size for her age.  Everything with her kidneys are fine.  There is no reflux or anything which is great.  Dr. Kryger ordered her to have a MRI of her spine and that will be March 18th.  I am crazy nerves for this.  She has to be put under for it and it will take 3 hours.  CRAZY!     She has a couple of appointments on March 1st.  One with her GI doctor who called me on Feb 1st.  She had seen Rylee's weight from the Jan 27 appts and was quite concerned.  I am certain that on at this appointment we will be faced to make the decision of the feeding tube.  Dr. Cathy thinks that it is time or at least that is what I gathered when I spoke to her Feb 1.  On March 1 she also meets with a Pulmonary doctor, Dr. Sanders, at least that's who I think we are suppose to see Dr. C can't find that doctor and has been trying to get ahold of him. Dr. C, Kris and I spoke about Rylee's breathing when she is sleeping.  She tends to retract and on average 3-5 times a night just quite breathing all together so we hear her constantly take a great big deep breath.  So Dr. C wanted to talk to Dr. Sanders about this issue before we came up (the cardiac doctor referred us to Dr. Sanders) so he will be well aware of what he is up against when we get there and possibly start her on CPAP before this appointment.  So far, I haven't heard anything from Dr. C so I guess we'll wait until the appointment on the 1st.  March 1st may bring new tubes to Rylee.  I am quite nerves about this appointment.  Rather sick to my stomach, sit and cry nerves. I fear for her.  I know her weight isn't going to be great, she hasn't been eating well and is definitely not sleeping very well.  Sleeping has been quite the issue the last few nights.  The last 3 nights, I think she has average about 18 waking times each night.  It's been ridiculous.  It also doesn't help that I have been having awful migraines and she has made me want to slam my head through a brick wall.  Kris and I are at our wits end.  Kristopher hasn't even slept in our bed for 2 nights because he has been sleeping out in the chair in the living room with her.  Between her and Weston, we don't get much rest! 

As you can tell, our lives are busy.  We have a little man who keeps us entertained with his quirky little stories and statements, a baby boy that we are trying to push along to crawl and laugh and a Princess that we are pushing and praying will walk some day soon.  I promise new picture soon!    

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