When I came home at noon, I pumped and decided to lay down. I am still having the migraines and fevers. I woke to a temp of 102 an hour later with chills and the whole bit. I just can't get rid of that fever. It's no wonder that little boy doesn't want to nurse, the milk is extremely warm and warms his belly right up. I wouldn't want to drink 102° milk either. The Acute care doctor said that it was perfectly fine for me to nurse him still even though I am on antibiotics for the UTI. However, the antibiotics aren't working. It's been the better part of a week, I only take them 2 times per day for 7 days, and I feel worse that I did a week ago. I did get up and go back to the hospital for the 4 and 7 pm feedings and to do his bath. I didn't know if I would be rusting at bathing a newborn but it all came flooding back as soon as I stuck him in, almost like auto pilot. Nurse Candy, just let me do my own thing while she made him up a fresh bed. The sheets on his "bed" are the exact same pattern as his crib set. EXACTLY! Hopefully, that rubs off on him! He's also in an outfit from home so hopefully that also entices him to eat to come home. We had a pep talk after his bath. I simply told him he has to come home. The Serenity Prayer is on the wall in the Serenity room. It's what I need to pray for every single day!
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
I love that little boy! It breaks my heart to leave him day after day after day. It breaks my heart to have to constantly leave Troy and Rylee. It breaks my heart that Troy and Rylee don't want mom to do anything for them, they want dad because that's who has been taking care of them for 2 weeks. It breaks my heart that when I come home I don't even feel well enough to help put them to bed. Weston needs to come for everyone's sake but especially Troy and Rylee. They need their mommy as much as their mommy needs them. Those 3 kids, and Kris, are the light of my world, my whole reason for existing, the reason I get out of bed everyday. I need them all here with me together!
The best part of Day 13 was that my brother and his wife became parents again. The trifecta of babies who were suppose to be born within a total of 39 days, all came a seperate week and are all squished in 18 days... 3 babies (technically of the 5, mine, Erin's, Jen's and my 2 friends, we were expecting, 4 were born in that 18 days)! Can you imagine what our family holidays will be like? Oh man! The grand total of the 3 babies are 2 boys, Sawyer (July 28) and Weston (August 2) and 1 girl, Lily (August 15). I ran over to the hospital to visit Lily today. She was super laid back and had been resting much of the day. Her parents were beat so hopefully she doesn't keep them up too much tonight! Congrats Craig, Jen and Isabelle and Welcome Ms. Lily!
Today, Monday, in a few short hours, Kris, Troy, Rylee and I will be headed to UW Genetics clinic. It's an appointment we've been waiting 18 months for and has finally arrived. Too bad we're not taking Mr. Weston with us to be looked over. Bummer! Please pray that the doctors can give us some kind of insight on what this Chromsome abnormality is and how it will affect Rylee's present and future.
It's so good to read of Weston's progress each day. Little by little he is growing and getting ready to come home.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are able to get some answers for Rylee from the genetics clininc. If you get a diagnosis and want information about it, send an email to the March of Dimes (Askus@marchofdimes.com) and we'll find and send material to you.
Best wishes.