Monday, February 22, 2010

The pukes!

We girls have been pukin'!  Rylee much more than myself.  Today, in the almost 7 hours I have been from work, Rylee has projectile vomited 4 times.  She may only eat like an ounce or two but I swear to you there is at least 4 coming back out.  We're out of Pedialyte until Kris gets home at 12 therefore, it's a water only diet from here on out tonight.  This vomiting has to stop!  This "thing" has to rid itself of her body.

This "thing" has cause this mommy much grief over the past 3 days.  Not only have we been up to our elbows in vomit but also nose drainage.  It's disgusting around here.  Rylee had been having a runny nose since Thursday or so.  Saturday it progressively got worse to the point that at bedtime she couldn't breathe well making her a little irritable.  Sunday, she started coughing.  With the coughing came the vomiting.  By Sunday night, she could not breathe, had wheezing, chunky cough and had vomited a few times.  Through the late hours of Sunday into the early morning of Monday, Kris and I were probably up at least 10 times.  Whether that be just checking on her, woke by her coughing or woke by her screaming.  I must clarify something, Rylee is not the screaming baby type, she is extremely easy-going.  Last night that screaming scared the heck out me.  She was also having a hard time breathing.  On the 17th, I had to give back the portable oxygen since the insurance company didn't want to cover it any longer and by all rights, we haven't needed it in a while...until last night.  Man I wish that I had that oxygen last night.  She was extremely irritable.  She spiked a fever to 102° which scared me too.  I was afraid she had H1N1, which we were told in her case would be fatal, or that he shunt was infected or clogged.  At 4:30 this morning I was ready to take her to the hospital or call an ambulance for some oxygen.  You could tell by the retracting at her sternum and just her overall appearance that her oxygen sat was low.  But we made it through the night.

This morning, I got her in with Dr. R, not Dr. C who is always booked solid, right away.  Her O2 sat was 92.  Not great, not terrible.  Dr. R decided to give me the choice...take her home with oral antibiotics or have her admitted to Mercy for IV antibiotics, chest xray, pokes and prods.  After discussing it, Dr. R thought that at this point in Rylee's life, there is no need for her to have more xrays.  He believed the outcome regardless of what that xray would say, would be the same.  Therefore, I decided to save her the sticks and take her home.  If we could make it through last night, we could do it again.  However, should she develop a fever of 101°+, start retracting again, turn blue around the lips, blah blah blah....than it would be time to have someone else take over.  If she spikes a fever, we will take her to the ER.  If she starts having trouble breathing, an ambulance is to be called and they will take her the ER.  Scary stuff right? 

However, right now Miss Rylee is awake, little irritable, playing with her feet and the edge of the laptop on my lap.  I am solo right now, as I am every Monday through Thursday nights but today I had the privilege of trying to calm this girl down to get her to nap all the while Troy is also tired and wants me to rock him too.  It was a hair pulling, teeth grinding, ready for serious alcohol, 77 minutes.  I made it through without pulling my hair out, grinding my teeth or drinking any of the non-existent alcohol in our house.  The quiet time only lasted about 45 minutes and then Rylee woke up.  15 minutes later the possessed doorbell rang 3 times causing our dogs to go nuts causing Troy to wake up, causing both kids to start bawling and NO ONE WAS AT THE DOOR!  Now it's 7:18 pm, I am trying to keep Rylee up until 7:30 than it's Troy's bedtime which means my bedtime.  My house is in shambles but it's just going to have to wait until morning.  I just pray there is now emergency trip to Dubuque tonight whether it's me driving or me bouncing around in the back of an ambulance.

Good night all!

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