Monday, August 31, 2009

Long, Long, Long Day

Today, Rylee has cried more than any other day in her life...and that was in just the first 13 hours of the day. in the last 48 hours, she has vomited a rainbow of colors with a quantity of unimaginable size. Since 9 am this morning, she has had her weight checked 3 times which read twice at 11 lb, 4 oz. Her nose is like a slimy hose that won't turn off.

Like I posted the other night, our life is simply amazing. It never seizes to amaze me when weird things pop up.

2 weeks ago today, Rylee was ill.
13 days ago, she was put on oxygen.
12 days ago, Dr. C was 90% sure that she had RSV.
11 days ago, that RSV test result came back as negative.
10 days ago, Candy Temperly told us to finish the antibiotics & steroids, continue the nebulizer treatments and visit Dr. C on Tuesday.
9 days ago, we seen our same old Rylee coming back.
6 days ago, Rylee woke up goopy eyes on the morning of her appointment with Dr. C who prescribed her antibiotic drops for Pink eye.
3 days ago, Rylee vomited while out to dinner as a family.
2 days ago, she vomited again.
Yesterday, as she vomited, coughed, struggled to breathe, we watched our daughter deterate away before our eyes.
Today, Rylee is still comiting, coughing, struggling for air but TODAY her kidneys are quitting, she dehydrated and running a temperature of 104.4. Today, I can still see my baby girl, hold her, touch her, therefore our life is still amazing.

In June, and a few times before, I questioned my relationship with God. I questioned His reasonings behind the recent events. However, today, while I still don't completely understand, I rest my children's lives in His hands, His care and trust His outcome. As my very knowledgable, intelligent father-in-law once said, "This is just a bump in the road." A couple of months ago, I would've argued that but now I believe that it is a huge, life changing, life altering bump in an 8 month long road.

I am so sad to see Rylee go through this. Dr. C called me this afternoon. He is sad about this. "It's going to be a long season and technically we're still 2 months before it begins." There were a lot of sighs and "wow"s in my conversation with Dr. C this afternoon. He assured me that she is in the best care with Dr. O.

Right now, my husband, who is 23 for the very last day, and my son are swimming in the hotel pool. Rylee has an oxygen saturation of 97%, a pulse of 121 and is resting. It's 8 pm, and I am going to head to the otel to give my son a bath and put him to bed in the King sized bed. I am also going to get a little chow in my belly. As soon as I have any new info to pass along and have a chance to post, I will. Good night all, keep Rylee in your bedtime prayers.

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